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Welcome to Eco-nomics

A blog exploring the interconnectivity of the environment and economics

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SAI - the Machiavellian Villain

Say, hypothetically, the world does miraculously stop warming at 2°C. We do everything needed: eliminating our reliance on fossil fuels,...

Will Climate Change Increase Homelessness?

There is of course a lot of debate surrounding the effects of global warming on society but I would like to focus on just one aspect...

Will Global Warming Improve Your Mood?

There have been numerous studies trying to correlate weather and mood. These regressions investigate relationships between temperature,...

Should Your Dog Go Vegan?

Now, I know this sounds like a ridiculous question. That’s because it is a ridiculous question. Two decades ago, having a vegan dog...

South Africa's FLOP26

A lot has happened since I wrote my last post. If you don’t recall, I wrote a post detailing how South Africa’s renewable energy future...

Why South Africa's Renewable Energy Seems Doomed

Let’s not be mistaken, climate change will be decided by governments. I don’t want to discount the miracles individual masses can achieve...

Tariff Tipping Points

Recently, the European Union unveiled its new plans for how it is going to reach its goal of reducing the continent's emissions by 55% by...

The Future of the Green Scorpions

You may have heard that the Climate Bill is currently on its way through Cabinet to be passed later this year. Opinions on it have been...

Can't We Just Plant Loads of Trees?

I’m sure you’ve thought of this solution before: stopping climate change by simply planting more trees. Intuitively, it seems like the...

The Case for Flexitarianism

Diet is a nuanced issue. It’s built from changing preferences, choices, and availabilities and follows the shifting scenery of our daily...

The Benefits of Climate Change

I know, this may sound like a strange concept to be exploring on an environmental blog. So just to be clear, in no way am I endorsing...

Why We Need To Save The Fishies

I have often observed, as I am sure you have, that people seem to care at least a little bit more when their dog dies than when their pet...

Carbon Pricing - Is It Too Late?

Depending on which source you trust, the effects of climate change are set to become devastating and irreversible between 2030 or 2050,...

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